Our Finance Calculator gives you a quick and easy way to approximately calculate what your monthly payments could be.
You can easily keep using the sliders to change the amount and term until you get a monthly payment that you are comfortable with and best suits your budget.
Please remember, Midland Credit help both Employed and Self-Employed customers who are looking to finance Cars, Vans or Caravans, the Finance Calculator will show you approximate monthly payments based on the credit rating that you enter.
*The figure our Finance calculator shows you is for guidance only and is intended to give you a fairly accurate idea of what you may be offered. Many companies use calculators with very low figures to get more applications, however, we believe in giving customers the closest example for their relevant credit profile and believe we have the most accurate finance examples where this is concerned. Finance approvals are based on many factors including your current Credit Profile, Employment Type & Monthly Income, so in some cases, it may not be possible to give exact figures until an application has been submitted*
Applying with Midland Credit will not affect your credit score as we only perform Soft Credit Checks. Once we have approval from our large panel of lenders, a full no obligation quotation including monthly payments and the exact terms will be supplied by your Dedicated Finance Advisor.